Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blog 4: Creations, Myths, and Stories

Ever since people started to walk on this world, they have always told stories, or myths, that revealed their culture and how they live from day to day. Even now, when you look at every country and what that country possesses in terms to customs and behaviors, you might be a little surprised! Even though these are all referred to as cultures, they're not all cultures of the same kind. Some may be close to each other, and others very different... That just proves how much each civilization is unique in their own sort of way! However, no matter how different they may be today, they all started out with beliefs hundreds of years ago... Beliefs that turned into stories, that turned into creations, that turned into myths, that eventually characterized each individual culture... You may THINK that each culture just appeared out of nowhere, but honestly, you KNOW that each one started somewhere at a point in history of the world!

Every human culture, no matter where it may be, formed some sort of creation story or myth. In the early civilized days, who knows way back when, people were very confused and didn't know what was going on around them... They didn't know where they had come from, what their purpose was on Earth, or even what to do in this world, since they felt very alone, like a grain of sand in the middle of a road. This marked the point of when people actually started to use their intelligent minds and made up legends or stories using their imagination... Here, they believed that greater beings, like gods or spirits, created this world, piece by piece. People were surrounded by the same natural forms as we are today, like wind, rain, water, land, lightning, sun... I could keep on going forever! But even though they did, they were still confused as in where it all came from. They told stories in order to explain this process, how it all became what it is now, and made them feel important to where they were from... Not like they were "just there", but that they WERE there and had a purpose, a purpose even higher than just living from day to day. A purpose that guaranteed them to be safe, feel like they were to do great things someday in the near future! These creation stories explained why we are who we are, why we do the things we do, and why we act the way we do. These are questions still unanswered, but according to some cultures, they already were answered... Answered through myths, stories, and legends. Creation stories not only explain things we've always wanted to know, but they are also the foundation of pretty much any culture in the world today! Every culture is different, but that doesn't change the fact of how creation stories are the ideals of human culture. Even now, in the modern world, they are still being used to operate and inform what place we have in the world today... Besides what scientists have discovered over hundreds of years.

 The Australian Aborigines and the New Zealand Maoris are very different civilizations, especially when it comes to their creation stories, but they share the same thoughts on similar ideas. 

The creation myth of the Australian Aborigines explains how the main theme of the story is overcoming fear. The Aborigines believed that the Earth was already created preceding their civilization and that god and spirits created all living things, like plants and animals... Just like the Sun Mother was afraid of the Father of All Spirits, the story summarized that women should fear men because they had superiority. Her two children, the Morning Star and the moon, were based off of the creatures on Earth... This creation story explains how the Australian Aborigines valued all living creatures on the planet!

On the other hand, the creation myth of the New Zealand Maori explains how the main theme of the story is overcoming conflict, or any problems. The Maoris believed that the Earth did not exist before they were alive, and that it was merely nothing... No gods, no spirits, no creatures... However, later, when the spirits eventually awakened, they created elements like winds, storms, water, land, anything that pretty much involved nature. The children were based on these elements, who were also thought to force separation on their parents, even though they loved each other... This creation story explains how the New Zealand Maoris valued the Earth and its elements!

Both of these creation stories are very much in depth, especially when it comes to telling where their ancestors came from! Both cultures enhance the idea that their ancestors came from gods, but who knows what's beyond those thoughts... Not only this, but both are civilizations that have male dominance. Another similarity, includes having universal points as the parents, such as Sun Mother or Sky Father. Love and companionship is also emphasized and the idea that there will always be problems in the world, no matter what the case may be! There are definitely many similarities, but one major difference that these two creation stories both share, is that of their beliefs. Even though they value something on Earth, that "something", whether it's nature or elements, is different than the other, and is also valued in different ways... These two cultures have a different ideas of what is important, probably because of their beliefs and where they are from!

Beliefs are a MAJOR part of these creation myths and stories! They are the key to religions all around the world today... No matter if it's proven to be untrue to the modern world by scientists. I mean, yes, we may know why the sky is blue, or the grass is green, or even why the sun rises and sets, thanks to science. But, even though it's mostly all true, that shouldn't keep people away from believing in their own thoughts, especially if legends have been passed down from generation to generation, over a long period of time. These creation stories all hold morals, themes, and ideas essential to life, as does religion. However, in some countries, these contradicting beliefs to facts, may cause problems, such as wars and political or social issues, even nowadays. BUT, these changes in various thoughts lead to different cultures, which eventually separates once again, into religions. Some people believe in the science aspect, others believe in the religion aspect, as others are totally for the myth/legend aspect of beliefs. Some even believe in various different things. That's what is so unique about this! Whatever the case may be, every person in the world today believes in something that was originated from something in the past.... I think that's so cool! 

When we were little, we were probably told so many stories... It didn't matter if they were related to something specific, or made up using imaginations... It WAS a story, and WE believed it! We might have even thought that wind was created when a cloud blew across the sky! It may be funny, but when we were younger, that's what we thought really happened.... However, as time passed and we grew up, we actually realized what the truth was and how it was realistically created. It just showed how much we matured, but the stories we heard as children were a basis for our beliefs now! It's just a way of life, and anything could've cause you to think otherwise or the same... 

Some people believe in evolution, and others listen to their religion... I could go both ways, but I personally am Catholic, the basis of my life and my "creation story". God created the world around me, all within a couple days! The animals, the people, the nature, pretty much everything I see with my own eyes! The world and the heavens... I believe that God created this atmosphere for me to live in and fulfill my dreams and my inspirations! This world is full of miracles, all for my advantage. All of the stories he has passed on throughout generations, shape the way I think about the world so that I could know everything about it. By learning from him, I can always look forwards into my future in a good way. From day to day, I always try to be a good person, help out others, and share my happiness with everyone around me... I have faith in everything, which makes me believe that I am here on Earth to accomplish great things! Because of my faith, I KNOW I can do anything if I believe hard enough and work hard towards my dreams!

 Creation myths were a part of mankind ever since we began to live, even if it were the "cheesiest" things we have ever heard! They were part of us and shaped who we are today and what we believe in! That's what I think the main purpose is of creation stories. 

If you believe in something, you know you will do great things in life!

1 comment:

  1. Cool art, first of all!

    I also really liked seeing your thoughts develop as you answered question 1. I think you're right in assuming that the myths helped provided purpose---not just that they existed, but that they existed for a reason. It's comforting to think, isn't it? Question, though...are all humans drawn to this comfort? Does this explain anything about the world today? Just some thoughts.

    I also think, in your examination of the two creation stories and what they reveal about the cultures, that you bring up love. It's interesting to think that, even if cultures are separated by thousands of miles, many of the core human emotions exist.

    Nice work, if a bit stream-of-consciousness at times. =)
