- What I did today

Whoo-hoo!!! Another travel day! Just what we need...
I have to say though, this flight wasn't as bad or as long as other ones, which is good! It was short and sweet, as Mrs.Titus would say.
Today, to be honest, was the most laid-back day we've had on this entire trip!

The moment we landed in Cairns, I fell in love with it too... Palm trees, hibiscus flowers... It felt just like paradise! Cairns was quite, peaceful, relaxing, and beautiful, all at the same time! As soon as we got to the hotel (probably my favorite this entire trip), we got all got a chance to refreshen and change into our bathing suits. We were going to a saltwater pool in the city! It had a beach by it, too, which made things even better... But the bestest part, was that there was a natural beach too, with WATER and everything! Yay! Not. There was a natural beach not too far away, except that there was no water...? Only mud, soil, and "little ponds" of water, which I thought was pretty funny and weird at the same exact time! We had lots of fun in the pool, no matter how cool it was (temperature wise). We even had time to walk around town for about 3 hours with our friends, where we had dinner, shopped, had fun, and laughed the whole way back to our hotel! It was truly one of the best relaxed days of the trip!

A good night's sleep is all we need for tomorrow's great adventure in the Great Barrie Reef! What a day!!!
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